Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Importance of Water

The Importance of Water


On planet earth water is the single most important substance.
If you do not have water you do not have life.
It is the driving force behind all the various environments and ecosystems that make up our world.
It is the factor in regulating all weather systems.
It keeps the temperature of the earth stable.
It has the ability to clean, absorb, and transport any other substance.
In fact it is present everywhere and because of this we tend to forget about it's importance and take it for granted.
The human body contains 70-75% water, science now says it could be much higher.
At 10% loss dehydration sets in, at 20% loss death is usual.
It regulates our whole metabolism, millions of complex bio-chemical processes occurring every day.
It is not always the amount of water or even the purity that governs your health, it is the quality of the water. Thousands of years ago water had certain characteristics in respect to oxygen content, surface tension and solubility.
How close to this ideal water do you think your current drinking water is, if it is tap water, bottled water or treated by ozone, chlorine, fluoride, reverse osmosis, distilling.
How natural is the water once it has undergone all these different treatments?
These are man made treatments to simply try to kill all living things in the water or to filter out all things from the water, hardly a natural approach