Tuesday, October 9, 2007

global water concern

Dear sir,
How is UNEP harmonizing its Water policy and strategy with the governments policies on freshwater?
Nancy Wanja (from Kenya)

Dear Nancy,

UNEP's Water Policy and Strategy is in fact built on the foundation set by national governments through various international fora. For example, during the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, the governments agreed to set a target for all countries to develop integrated water resource management (IWRM) plans and water efficiency plans. If you review the UNEP Water Policy and Strategy available on our freshwater site, you will see the clear thread of IWRM throughout.

Also, the UNEP Water Policy and Strategy was approved by the national governments during the 24th Session of UNEPs Governing Council in February 2007. In decided to have UNEP adopt the Water Policy and Strategy for a six-year period to guide how UNEP will help countries as well as subregional or regional authorities, they have agreed the approach was the correct one.


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